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Empire Earth III v1.1

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 2:59 pm
by STN
Made by mibiz


Here's my table for the above game version.

1 Army / Militia -- default disabled
2 God Mode + Instant Build -- default enabled
3 Raw Materials, Wealth, Technology Points, Population and/or Imperial, Commerce, Research -- default enabled

1) Enable this only after you have established your 1st province and disable before 'Advance Turn' else the AI will have it too. This option will give you 200 max for each of your army and 0 (which you can have unlimited) militia count.

2) God Mode + Instant Build has a bonus side effect if you're playing 'West' and using Tri(something) HERC - Hero unit. The Quantum Singularity Gun (QSG) is longer than normal. So with just 2 units, you can easily clean out a settlement. Twisted Evil

3) This will give 99,999 Raw Materials, Wealth, Technology Points and 0 population count. If this is enabled at every 'Advance Turn', you will get 99,999 for Imperial, Commerce, Research. So after 1st turn, you can advance all the way to Future Era while the rest of the world is in Ancient.

Have fun!! Smile

EDIT: Forgot to mention that even though you have God Mode enabled, if you're playing against Western and the AI is using the Herc's QSG, the targeted unit will still die (or rather get sucked into a black hole/oblivion Smile) )

Re: Empire Earth III v1.1

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 8:21 am
by Jack
Hey I made an account just for this , I have recently reinstalled empire earth 3 and am playing the domination mode. The trainer described here would be perfect for that but the link gives the wrong file , it's another trainer table for version 1.0 of the game , Please fix the link with the correct v1.1 trainer thanks.

Re: Empire Earth III v1.1

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 1:27 pm
by Xorras
Ye, it has no functions described in OP, its the same one as in viewtopic.php?t=3510