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Re: Starpoint Gemini Warlords CODEX 1.400.0v3 (+DLC) +50

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:37 pm
by CheatWookie
I know the Basic of CE in Scan Type and Values. Maybe someone can explain wich parameter i should look around. Can i use the old CE Parameters? Sometimes its only a couple of hex codes to exchange? Should i use AOB Scan?

Re: Starpoint Gemini Warlords CODEX 1.400.0v3 (+DLC) +50

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:49 pm
by Kaedus
update for v2.030???

Re: Starpoint Gemini Warlords CODEX 2.041.0 (+ALL DLC) +50

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 5:44 am
by gideon25
Ugh, Finally updated! Added a few more options, fixed and organized the monstrosity!

Re: Starpoint Gemini Warlords CODEX 2.041.0 (+ALL DLC) +50

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 12:51 am
by gideon25
Is this latest updated table working for everyone?

Re: Starpoint Gemini Warlords CODEX 2.041.0 (+ALL DLC) +50

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 3:31 pm
by ZoDDeL
gideon25 wrote:
Tue Feb 12, 2019 12:51 am
Is this latest updated table working for everyone?
just found your table after i checked the board while i was doing a table myself for 2.041.0 codex.
i guess i can save my time and just use yours.

okay just looking for 5 minutes in your table and the first thing is your light weapon energy isnt complete.
you just nop'ed the rail/plasma but the laser have another instruction.
you can add mine if you like.

Code: Select all

{ Game   : StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe
  Date   : 2019-03-02
  Author : ZoDDeL

  This script does blah blah blah

//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat

aobscanmodule(light2,StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe,F3 41 0F 11 87 C8 00 00 00 44) // should be unique



  //movss [r15+000000C8],xmm0
  jmp return

  jmp newmem

//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
  db F3 41 0F 11 87 C8 00 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C0876

"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C0848: 44 0F 2F C0                       -  comiss xmm8,xmm0
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C084C: 72 0B                             -  jb StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe+3C0859
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C084E: 48 C7 80 C4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  -  mov qword ptr [rax+000000C4],00000000
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C0859: FF C3                             -  inc ebx
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C085B: 48 FF C7                          -  inc rdi
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C085E: 3B 9E 60 4E 00 00                 -  cmp ebx,[rsi+00004E60]
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C0864: 7C BA                             -  jl StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe+3C0820
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C0866: EB 28                             -  jmp StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe+3C0890
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C0868: F3 41 0F 10 87 C8 00 00 00        -  movss xmm0,[r15+000000C8]
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C0871: F3 41 0F 5C C2                    -  subss xmm0,xmm10
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C0876: F3 41 0F 11 87 C8 00 00 00        -  movss [r15+000000C8],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C087F: 44 0F 2F C0                       -  comiss xmm8,xmm0
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C0883: 72 0B                             -  jb StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe+3C0890
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C0885: 49 C7 87 C4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  -  mov qword ptr [r15+000000C4],00000000
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C0890: 48 8B 8D F8 02 00 00              -  mov rcx,[rbp+000002F8]
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C0897: 48 33 CC                          -  xor rcx,rsp
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C089A: E8 F1 57 E9 FF                    -  call StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe+256090
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C089F: 4C 8D 9C 24 80 04 00 00           -  lea r11,[rsp+00000480]
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C08A7: 49 8B 5B 48                       -  mov rbx,[r11+48]
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C08AB: 41 0F 28 73 F0                    -  movaps xmm6,[r11-10]
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3C08B0: 41 0F 28 7B E0                    -  movaps xmm7,[r11-20]
the next thing i found or not found was something for shield.
ye i know you got infinite hull but for immersion some people prefer shield over hull.
you can also add mine if you like. (its a bit dirty maybe better add a compare check to max shield value)

Code: Select all

{ Game   : StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe
  Date   : 2019-03-02
  Author : ZoDDeL

  This script does blah blah blah

//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat

aobscanmodule(shield,StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe,F3 0F 11 73 10 48) // should be unique


  mov [rbx+10],(float)4500
  //movss [rbx+10],xmm6
  jmp return

  jmp newmem

//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
  db F3 0F 11 73 10


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF764

"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF73C: F3 0F 58 03                 -  addss xmm0,dword ptr [rbx]
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF740: F3 0F 11 03                 -  movss [rbx],xmm0
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF744: 48 8B 55 AF                 -  mov rdx,[rbp-51]
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF748: 48 83 FA 10                 -  cmp rdx,10
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF74C: 72 12                       -  jb StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe+3CF760
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF74E: 48 FF C2                    -  inc rdx
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF751: 41 B8 01 00 00 00           -  mov r8d,00000001
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF757: 48 8B 4D 97                 -  mov rcx,[rbp-69]
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF75B: E8 C0 9C C3 FF              -  call StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe+9420
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF760: F3 0F 59 33                 -  mulss xmm6,[rbx]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF764: F3 0F 11 73 10              -  movss [rbx+10],xmm6
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF769: 48 C7 45 AF 0F 00 00 00     -  mov qword ptr [rbp-51],0000000F
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF771: 48 89 75 A7                 -  mov [rbp-59],rsi
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF775: C6 45 97 00                 -  mov byte ptr [rbp-69],00
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF779: 41 B8 0E 00 00 00           -  mov r8d,0000000E
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF77F: 48 8D 15 C2 CA 20 00        -  lea rdx,[StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe+5DC248]
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF786: 48 8D 4D 97                 -  lea rcx,[rbp-69]
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF78A: E8 B1 77 C6 FF              -  call StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe+36F40
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF78F: 90                          -  nop 
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF790: 48 8D 55 97                 -  lea rdx,[rbp-69]
"StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe"+3CF794: 48 8D 0D FD CE 55 00        -  lea rcx,[StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe+92C698]

your "rapid fire guns" dont have any effect for me it seems. i thought it would increase the fire rate of light weapons but i dont see any changes. maybe you could explain for what exatly this is invented.

p.s. nice table anyways. i bet it took some time. personal i had most trouble finding research and ship building in 1.4xx. i will post later if i find something that wont work or is missing.

Re: Starpoint Gemini Warlords CODEX 2.041.0 (+ALL DLC) +50

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 12:55 am
by gideon25
ZoDDeL wrote:
Sat Mar 02, 2019 3:31 pm
your "rapid fire guns" dont have any effect for me it seems. i thought it would increase the fire rate of light weapons but i dont see any changes. maybe you could explain for what exatly this is invented.
Ah, I forgot about infinite laser energy as I never use lasers. Thanks, I added your script to the table (under the infinite gun energy). I also added infinite shields and a distance hack for borehole torpedoes/gas miners/scavenger drones. Maybe the rapid fire guns did not seem apparent as I had the value set a little too high so just lower the value some. Check out this video as to what it is SUPPOSED to do:


Re: Starpoint Gemini Warlords CODEX 2.041.0v2[added more] (+ALL DLC) +50

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 1:55 am
by Gvaz
Does v40 or v41 work on v40.2?

Re: Starpoint Gemini Warlords CODEX 2.041.0v2[added more] (+ALL DLC) +50

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:24 pm
by eluphay
No Range on Ability Use,
Borehole Torpedo/Gas Collector/Scavenger Distance Hack,
and Set Transporter Range (100,000) don't work for me
everything else i've tried so far works fine

edit: nevermind, my game did not update itself, it is now and it works, stupid auto updates,
sorry about that.