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The Dark Eye: Demonicon

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 6:30 pm
by STN
Made by Csimbi

Here's a table I made. I found almost all stats, but I did not bother scripting them as these few will get you the same result.

I decided not to make an AOB table as symbols might change in the next update.

The table includes:
- God mode; obvious.
- One-hit kill; obvious. Note: anything non-player dies in a singe hit. If you have problems with scripted bosses or friendlies, disable it.
- Infinite endurance; obvious.
- Infinite essence; obvious.
- Minimum AP; so you can increase your stats as far as you like.
- Minimum GP; so you can increase your gifts as far as you like.
- Minimum money; so you can make all the purchases that you like.


Update #1
There was a typo in one of the variable names so the script would not enable no matter what. This has been fixed; sorry about that!

Update #2
v1.1.0.0 added (comes with attack speed mod)

Update #3
v1.1.0.0 updated (fixed player check and comes with move speed mod)