Hi I'm new to this whole CE thing, I'm trying to find the Item Table you guys keep mentioning in regards to buying anything from a shop can you show me what you're talking about.
Not positive about the Dawn Shard. I think it doesn't, but it's probably best to save before using it, just in case.
Edit: Just confirmed it does give you the Dawn Shard.
As far as the License points... It's a bit of both. It will freeze at whatever you set it, but then whatever you spend with one character, will be added to the other character's license points. So for instance, if you fill out a board, and it would have used like 4k points, then all other characters will have 4k points.
Thanks for the info! Did it unlock the achievement as well by any chance? Or is it safe to use it without having to worry about that?
Just signed up for an account to ask if anyone has found a way to change the license board selection.
It's in the table. Just open the table and the game, attach CE to the game, enable the table, go to pointers, and enable the job selector. Open licences and change what you want it to be. [Link]
Hi I'm new to this whole CE thing, I'm trying to find the Item Table you guys keep mentioning in regards to buying anything from a shop can you show me what you're talking about.
It's pretty simple. Open the table and the game, attach CE to the game, enable the table, go to scripts, and it's at the bottom. Enable the script and select the item you want to get from the dropdown then buy something in the store. [Link]
The addresses to unlock the second bestiary entries for monsters you've fought are somehow eluding me. I remember decreasing all the numbers to 1 in the PS2 IZJS version to easily unlock the second entries, but now the searches are not returning the right results. :/
First of all thank you so much for this great table.
For some reason the "add all loot" function wont work. When i click on the box no X appears. Is this function simple not active?
First of all thank you so much for this great table.
For some reason the "add all loot" function wont work. When i click on the box no X appears. Is this function simple not active?
You have to view a Potion for it to grab the right pointers. Make sure you view a Potion only and nothing else before using it.
Could you make something for "Max noteriety"? After you take the first airship... After you get out of the Lhusu Mines, you'll have to yell at people & raise your "noteriety" meter. Could you adjust it so you get max noteriety for yelling at one person?
There are some annoying npc's that can "catch" you and reset it back to zero making it pretty tedious.
Edit 18: Fixed Mist bars incorrect address.
Edit 17: Updated most of the table to work with the latest update (4/24/2020)
Edit 16: Fixed broken table.
Edit 15: Added Basch (Captain) to Party Editor. Also updated Characters>Others to include Basch (Captain).
Edit 14: Fixed a typo on the party editor for Chocobo and found all the character addresses. Don't have all the names matched up right now, but I will eventually. Also deleted old versions and cleaned up this post. Messy messy.
Edit 13: Party editor complete! Woohoo! Still working on getting stat/license tables for all of the new characters.
Edit 12: fixed an error I made in Edit 11. Don't mind me.
Edit 11: added option to jobs to give the classic license board. IF YOU DO THIS YOU MUST SET BOTH JOBS AT THE SAME TIME OR YOUR GAME WILL CRASH. It only contains licenses for the original game's content, so you won't be able to use the IZJS/TZA exclusive equipment/spells/etc...
Edit 10: Found the mist timer manually, since the one I found didn't to anything.
Edit 9: I goofed again. Wrong starting point for licenses. Should be easily editable now with the matrix below. Fixed table uploaded.
Edit 8: Fixed a couple more broken things, got rid of buffs. They didn't always work correctly, and we don't really need them anyway.
Edit 7: Fixed stats for characters.
Edit 6: Stats are now editable to be permanent, Job editor, Temporary Buffs, Event related stuff (charging the sunstone, chocobo, Pinewood, etc...), Steps, Clan points, Game Time, Esper timer and Mist timer, Some more testing, and I did some reorganizing. (Re-edited to be more specific.)
Edit 5: Added the licenses discussed on Page 10.
Edit 4: Updated the table with the Natural Effects for each character. It's a bit complicated, but I'm pretty novice at CE, so just bear with me. The concept is pretty simple. Take one column from the following spreadsheet, find the items you want, then add up the number they correspond with on the left/right of the table and enter that number in the value section. See Table extras for an example. Column 1 is part 1. Each "part" is 2 digits. Some math required. Use a HEX calculator.
Edit 3: Since I was doing this at the same time DrummerIX was updating his table, I had to go back and add the weapons I was missing. THANKS DRUMMERIX. lol
Edit 2: Filled out the equipment selection with stuff from DrummerIX's Table. Now you can select what you want from the dropdown to equip people with. No muss, no fuss.
Edit 1: Sorry for the messiness of the addresses, I'm still new to this.
Side note: Thanks to MancombSeepgood, the licenses have been broken down so each and every one is it's own address in a table. Much easier to locate and activate/deactivate a specific license. Find it here: http://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic ... 315#p32819
Licenses table provided by PhoenixFlare: [Link]
Starting licenses: [Link]
Holy crap! So you know how we have the Permanent Status Effects? Well I just found where they can be put on PER CHARACTER! And they don't disappear when you change equipment and touch a save crystal! And we can customize what we get! WOOOOOOO! Getting all the options into a table will be time consuming. But this is cool.
Edit: Okay, maybe I'm a bit too excited about this. Oh well.
Last edited by HylianZ on Sun Feb 04, 2018 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.