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Borderlands 3 - ObjectDump table mappings

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 8:57 am
by v8n3t
Hello all,

Spooky and I have been working on building custom items and in the process we began to need a place to store what all these table mapping names mean.

This is an ongoing document that could use the help and support of the community.

This is piggy backing off the work done by SunBeam

And STN / Idlehands88

We have started a document that as the community goes to edit and modify their custom items, we could use the submissions here using the form to help fill out our data.

You can find the Google Doc's spreadsheet here: [Link]

If its missing a section, please provide it in your post with your data and findings and I will go and update it as we get more submissions.

Thanks to all in advance and hope we can get this completed so we have a one stop resource that tells us what the table mapping's actually do so we can have more fun modding items we want to enjoy!

Re: Borderlands 3 - ObjectDump table mappings

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 9:37 am
by SunBeam
I like the naming :) "Dumb" :D