Question to understand

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Question to understand

Post by Masked_Zero »

Hello, i recently downloaded this cheat thing and enjoying it.

My question is though how does this work for games not on the list or are hidden, how long does it take to update to include the games missing and hidden?

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Re: Question to understand

Post by STN »

You can request them in our discord, we try to complete them as fast as possible. But our main focus is on new games and there's new trainers added every day or every other day.

There's no hidden trainers. The app is different from cheats posted here

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Re: Question to understand

Post by Masked_Zero »

ah okies, thank you.

And to clarify to what i ment by hidden is some games are listed you have to have pro to have them?

So thats what i ment

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Re: Question to understand

Post by STN »

Yeah. I mean it literally shows that image about PRO which you click brings you to getting the subscription page 🤷

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