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Copy entire memory region - How to do That?

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 9:09 pm
by marek1957
Hi, i want to copy the entire memory region and paste it into text
however selecting it manually is very slow
is there a way to select the entire memory region?

i want to copy the original memory region and then compare it with the changed memory region (because i dont know what address is changed).
making use of winmerge, i will be able to know which is the address being changed and what are the changes.

saving it as memory region (CEM file) does not allow me to compare

Re: Copy entire memory region - How to do That?

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 7:56 pm
by FreeER
Why not just change the start/stop addresses (under the value type) to the start/end of the memory region and do an unknown initial value scan and then a changed scan?

However you can use a little lua code to select it:

Code: Select all

getMemoryViewForm().DisassemblerView.SelectedAddress = 0x20000
getMemoryViewForm().DisassemblerView.SelectedAddress2 = 0x21002

Code: Select all

local start = 0x20000
local size = 0x1002

getMemoryViewForm().DisassemblerView.SelectedAddress = start
getMemoryViewForm().DisassemblerView.SelectedAddress2 = start+size
just change the address(es)/size and run the code in the lua engine.

Note that getMemoryViewForm returns the main form that you get when clicking the "Memory view" button in CE.

Re: Copy entire memory region - How to do That?

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 12:34 pm
by marek1957
Hey bro,
Thank you for answer. Selecting all addressses is working but how to copy it? I try to copy all bytes that selected but I cannot paste it in notepad. Why???

Re: Copy entire memory region - How to do That?

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 7:54 pm
by FreeER
A simple ctrl+c and then ctrl+v in notepad works for me... of course make sure the memory viewer is selected before copying

Re: Copy entire memory region - How to do That?

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 8:46 pm
by marek1957
HAHAHAHAH I am so stupid.... I was trying to use CTRL+ALT+C but it wasn't working .... I don't know why I want always to choose the hard way...

I have last question - I need plugin to cheat engine 6.7 which will be showing me the changes in memory region after activating scripts. Can stealth edit plugin v2.4 can do that?

Re: Copy entire memory region - How to do That?

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 3:31 am
by FreeER
I've never used stealth edit but as far as I know it doesn't, not sure of any other plugin either.