Problem in Data Structures

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Problem in Data Structures

Post by MangaDrawing »

a one problem,It is that the Data Structures is empty from any address.How can i solve this problem? :?:
The game is assassin's creed revelations.

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Re: Problem in Data Structures

Post by seikur0 »

You put in some address, duh^^ :P
Look in the code for some pointer that is on a higher level than the value (e.g. health) you're trying to find.

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Re: Problem in Data Structures

Post by Kalas »

I think he means that there's no results in the structure, like he found for example mov [rsi+20],ebx

He found rsi but the structure shows 0 results.

Think It's an issue caused on some 64bit games, not sure what causing it though.

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