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Weird offset

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 5:18 pm
by cracky456
i'm pretty new to cheat engine and i want to find an offset for the ammo value in a game. However, i am unable to find any offsets. I can't find anything about this and some help would be appreciated!

Re: Weird offset

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 7:37 am
by Toga
Best to learn some x64 assembly
it has nothing todo with CE.
Google "x64 assembly instruction set"

RAX contains the address ( pointer )
[ RAX ] means the address where RAX is pointing to.

mov [ RAX ], ecx means write the value of ECX on the address where RAX is pointing to

mov [ RAX + 010 ], ecx means write the value of ECX on the address where RAX is pointing to but with an offset of 010
think of data structures.