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Question about certain values and how to find them

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:27 pm
by Wombleinc
The game I am working with at the moment is Jurassic World 2 but the question applies to multiple games.

I am still in the process of learning everything which I have a pretty solid base. I understand certain game logic and how it converts to some of the assembly programming but there is still a lot I don't understand.

An example is how timers work in certain games and does every timer get controlled by the same logic? Does the research timer in Jurassic World get handled by the same logic as the expedition timer?

Further is if I wanted research or expedition to auto complete when clicked what do I actually need to do to make that happen? I'd assume there is a compare flag checking to see if resources meet the requirement and then a timer starts (as a percentage?).
I know from previous questions that I was told that sometimes you can find values through the UI screens itself when flipping back and forth but I don't really understand that either.

I understand in the Jurassic Park game there could be many different ways to solve for the resources, maybe making one of my scientist have insane skills (skills being a resource needed in research) but I don't really know how to start searching for those numbers because they are static until you level up the scientist.

Re: Question about certain values and how to find them

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 8:53 pm
by LeFiXER
In principal, timers work the same by way of counting until a certain period has lapsed but they can be implemented in a number of ways. Some timers count up instead of down. Probably not something that you particularly want to hear, but Jurassic World 2 is not a game I would consider beginner-friendly for game hacking.