Deciphering/Unobsfucating game save hex

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Deciphering/Unobsfucating game save hex

Post by jsockings »

Any good tutorials for deciphering game saves? By process of elimination I've determined that there are links between the save files in Resident Evil Village.

For example- data000.bin is the latest autosave and data00xSlot.bin (x being 1-20) are manual saves.
There is also a data00-1.bin. This file appears to determine what is unlocked (without any spoilers, post game content, essentially).

I'm no good at understanding hex, but I found [Link] which looks like it's converting it to a variety of different unicode formats.

Is it possible to convert this into meaningful data so that one could potentially manipulate the values? I'd like the ability to tinker with unlocks before completing the game (goal is to start a new save with post game unlocks and all the challenges reset). To this end I reset my steam achievements for the game but that didn't appear to tie to the challenges within. The data00-1.bin file appears to contain this data (pasted some of it below, only partly pasted for brevity and character limits)
sample from my data00-1.bin
4453 5353 0200 0000 0300 0000 0300 0000
bcce 049e fd2a d49f 5781 988a 4843 293a
03d1 44d6 bdb6 ed1b c079 60db 0397 8889
3e1c 55cf 4d14 1e21 43f2 2090 eca7 403d
b30d ce5f 3d40 961e 861c 183b c66b ffd7
4853 ca2d 89a0 bd28 f447 e20b 1721 9b30
f05f 7fd5 c160 a86e a757 189c 58b4 c416
eaaf 5cc5 6e0a 8338 1dab 591a df65 0930
41c1 21ba e556 9cf8 8364 d766 0a89 fc55
75c8 abfa bda5 c653 346c 3bd7 a58b e73e
536d a51f d7e4 a820 3fd0 0ceb 53ca 3333
777a 7d86 bc12 b7ce 209e 7fc1 5b96 681d
7c1b fa18 5d10 bce7 7c27 f454 0870 1be4
4e35 1655 60d1 f9ef e9d4 33ae 72bf 7c22
1b29 5534 3930 9841 e6f0 87ea 19c9 bba0
9d6d b75e 1481 580d 915d 0ebc e413 adda
72d4 bf5b 338f 5e88 0d5b 34b2 65f9 338a
6523 530d bee7 b3ea 7296 8508 cdb1 8bc0
71de 0122 bc54 b58f f8f4 274a 5ee0 290b
102d f94b 168e 17dd 0364 2ee1 c713 6c6c
8402 0476 77dc db73 8c18 cb7b 5a02 4fde
8329 c6d1 dd28 fb06 97c2 53e2 6ffa cd80
a769 7e36 cd0a c5ca cd01 ecc5 e7e0 b13e
d6ad a06f b774 bbd5 176d bc2d a248 226b
9e7a 745e 7eff d2a8 dc74 1bba 2ee5 f0f9
d858 4c1b f9b4 77d9 935d 8097 0092 2806
7b50 3207 1dad c509 4327 483e 39ac 0a5f
9500 c6a2 b17b 164d 2e79 3f22 4d83 97e8
64bf 6ee2 3d01 e11c d8e4 06c4 572b d86d
d078 635c ad98 bd85 cd7d 80ae 82cf f035
8e59 c7df 1b1b 1a0f 9c07 b90a 79de 11dd
34c3 4037 eac2 e77a f5c8 bc63 1d8c 6972
4cc4 42bc ade5 ae97 eabb 0dd6 169d f5f9
ae0f 46b3 32bd c6e9 aac2 1be7 8713 d34c
189d 65b5 9c1e bb58 9889 d926 214e ade2
cd59 e244 45db 7bf3 aa38 a3b6 165f 66ac
9868 1604 c740 4649 2ff5 0e60 1a64 8f15
2ab8 bd74 85c9 e5a7 8180 23ec fd90 61ca
9eb7 2385 b6a7 a84f d4af 7af0 c8b4 4121
ba36 8423 e406 3f93 19d3 1d50 be74 969c
d8e8 dfd8 b3aa 4a0e 5fe0 5f82 8e87 ed57
7385 ac04 30f7 bacc 6015 ae93 1db7 6288
3094 a5e1 b17f 4aaa cdd8 c5c3 323f bafa
c990 575b 4703 41ab e178 f562 a2c5 859d
7a91 023e 647d 3324 c129 ba7b 0b74 f231
3933 a313 63f3 fcd4 245a 83ef 2726 99cb
5c5e 121c f65f 3968 4ae8 cd44 7ba2 d802
476b cfe9 c287 399f 3340 e30e c766 7640
074b a243 ffb0 b19e 2011 b191 dc16 22c5
0e29 8fa1 a257 156d 4649 a78c c32a ca53
31e9 507d eaa9 44b2 3061 f661 1a5a 6d0f
3ae2 c9af cac1 3f70 00cc 43e5 58ed 1309
d6cc 585b b205 df76 3859 42d2 da1a 6b3a
c8d1 26c3 1b93 ee0f 748c 3a92 9221 c289
6889 1090 cc98 6e97 bc0a 4170 221b da4a
061a e252 8b0b 1c9e 7a4a 6891 a369 c076
92e9 e899 76ac f699 8de6 daf1 f1dd 2441
ac3a 51ad d3bb e17e d286 9a16 43a7 a22c
e5b3 d04a e7bc 0eb9 772b b469 8f7f 72e4
ef18 7f2b bcb4 43e5 bb6f fb58 a74d 0e8b
6f63 5041 f54a 00eb a339 6903 35dd 4410
6cab 9a77 9261 3b77 abfa d429 040c 9a4c
6525 d215 3599 9440 01ba 110b aab2 b940
280f e6fa cb02 cc99 e497 edfc 29de eee2
8322 4050 323b be8a f1ec ae8e 9279 25ee
6ce5 353e d693 baf8 f027 b6d9 c32a c2d6
f854 2dc5 10b4 3561 a5ca 2378 e17f 5268
e93e 4a4e 5a23 c9f7 09f1 aec7 c998 f407
1e10 8f06 4a81 5e5a c4e1 240b b8cc 16f9
b161 f324 7dc6 568a 43a2 922c 5e5b 7266
cf58 df48 57bc cdb9 fab4 4415 db66 0299
296f 862d 19c3 b456 d75a 28c7 6496 2e56
7177 b1f8 32c5 c341 10e2 5812 6633 a5d1
1055 e171 b33e cf07 9716 366a 9fe6 4b7c
9e62 5726 2089 f7e1 b61d 93af 1de0 96d2
84ee d528 5deb 4409 b250 0512 a2d0 c13d

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Re: Deciphering/Unobsfucating game save hex

Post by LeFiXER »

Hexadecimal is meaningful data. I would advise that you learn about hexadecimal before attempting to edit any save data, but to get you off to a start.

Hexadecimal is a base 16 numbering system that has the range of 0-F. Much like decimal is a base 10 because it has the range 0-10. When you reach 10 you add 1 to the right up to 19 and so on... The same is with hex except when you reach 10 you start with A, 11 = B, 12 = C, 13 = D and so on.

Hypothetically, say you have 10 gold in your game. In your save you can search for A (hex) which is hex for 10 and say you want 100 gold instead, you would replace A with 64 (decimal value 100 in hex). That's pretty much what save editing is but game developers will employ tactics to prevent simple save editing like this so It's down to you to reverse engineer the saving mechanic of the game.

I must say that if you're not invested in learning from the ground up then it will end in failure because it isn't as simple as learning one thing. It is computer science after all and it helps to know a programming language, to understand data types and how data is represented at a lower level. I don't say that to deter you but it really takes investment in both time and energy.

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Re: Deciphering/Unobsfucating game save hex

Post by DrummerIX »

You also need to watch out for saves that are encrypted or perhaps zipped up. If it's just zip, you can unzip it, but encryption takes more work to decrypt. If the data doesn't have many 00 bytes, then it's most likely zipped or encrypted.

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Re: Deciphering/Unobsfucating game save hex

Post by zachillios »

Adding to this, even if you did decrypt it, the saves could have checksums, so you'd need to look into those as well. Saves from big publishers are usually very well encrypted so most of the time (assuming you're on pc) you're better off just memory editing through Cheat Engine.

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