There is no assembly mnemonic that would directly write a float into a SSE2 instruction: "movss xmm8,float_val". You need a memory immediate address that holds the float you want, which you would then read it from:
The one time I deviate away from the usual mov/movss xmm#,[new], lol. Appreciate ya!
The issue is, it's registering my symbol, but not executing the newmem just on this one specific address.
All of my other scripts with similar (without the direct float as in the example above) functions execute newmem. Now to figure out why they crash with lua and work with regular asm.
It's just deAlloc(getAddress("mem")) ([DISABLE] won't read the symbols from [ENABLE]; you need to declare them as global, before the [ENABLE]). No need for a size when deallocating.
It's just deAlloc(getAddress("mem")) ([DISABLE] won't read the symbols from [ENABLE]; you need to declare them as global, before the [ENABLE]). No need for a size when deallocating.